Nautilus Award Winning Author

Why Buddha Never Had Alzheimer's is precisely what is needed to cause a drastic and necessary revolution in medical care.
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

“In this thoughtful and far-ranging book,
Dr. Sen has raised the intriguing question
of whether meditation, yoga, and spirituality could contribute to protecting the brains of our aging population from the ravages of illnesses like Alzheimer’s disease. Excellent work!”
—John W. Denninger, MD, PhD
Director of Research, Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital/Associate Director of the MGH-McLean
Adult Psychiatry Residency Training Program/Harvard Medical School

“Dr. Sen’s work is an important, provocative contribution to the field of neurology.
I commend his book to any who are
interested in Alzheimer’s disease.”
– Benjamin Doolittle, MD
Director, Internal Medicine-Pediatrics Residency Program, Yale School of Medicine

"An Engaging Compilation of lively personal relationship stories between a truly caring physician and his patients."
– Professor Karl Bardosh, International Film Scholar & Dramaturge

A highly-recommended and well-researched piece of work, ' A Doctor's Diary' is a must in your bookshelf.
– Times of India

Excellent user friendly medical book. One of a kind. Loved the interactions and the anecdotes. A must for every household!